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[Announcement] 2017GIAF Exhibition Support for Foreign Artists

First of all, we would like to show our deepest appreciation to your interest in Gwanghwamun International Art Festival. For the last week, we have received hundreds of applications from all around the world.We can't explain how much we were amazed at it but at the same time we felt so sorry to have to inform you that we have a limited exhibition space to display the art works and not everyone could be selected.

This year the artists who were primarily selected for this exhibition presented their concepts in their artworks well to suit our special theme "What Makes Life an Art?" Congratulations to all the selected artists listed below, and for those who were not, we hope to see you at the next exhibition.

<Selected Artists List>

Rotem Manor

Lee Tal

Sarawut Chutiwongpeti

Jennifer Rae Ochs

Kenny Nguyen

Irene Pouliassi

Patriot Mukmin

Christina Tzani

Louisa Marie Summer

Veronique Ouaknine

Santosh Verma

Sally Lord

Anastasia Dukhanina

Afsana Sharmin

Wu Shang Lin

Thitiprom Onpium

*GIAF Organizing Committee will send emails containing the details of the exhibition to the selected artists in a few days.



광화문국제아트페스티벌 조직위원회  l  GIAF Organizing Committee

 서울특별시 종로구 새문안로5가길 3-1, 703호 (영진빌딩, 당주동)
03173   #703, 3-1, Saemunan-ro 5ga-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Youngjin Bldg.)

T. (+82) 2-723-9484~7   l   F. (+82) 2-723-9485   l   E.

​ⓒ GIAF Organizing Committee.

by Likey

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